What to expect after Takotsubo syndrome

Anxiety and stress after Takotsubo syndrome

Following a diagnosis of takotsubo syndrome (TTS occurs),  it is not uncommon for people to experience some stress and anxiety, and some of this may be due to uncertainty about what has happened, and what to expect.  Some practical actions that you can take include:

  • Join the Takotsubo Support Group where you can find some emotional and practical support and share your experiences with people who also have TTS.
  • Ensure that you are well-informed about TTS – you are the best advocate for your own health.
  • Explore relaxation techniques and find what works for you (see Caron’s page).
  • Make a list of things that cause you stress and come up with some solutions.
  • Enlist your family and friends to help you reduce stress in your life.
  • Check out the resources offered by the organisations listed below.

Sometimes there is no single identifiable trigger at the time that TTS occurs, but many people with TTS report chronic or cumulative psychological stress that often escalates prior to experiencing TTS. Common sources of psychological or emotional stress are family conflict, caring for chronically ill family members, or workplace stress, but stress can occur under many different circumstances and in many situations. Generally, there is no easy fix for the problems that cause chronic stress, but there may be some strategies that you can try to reduce your stress response to stressful situations. There are many online organisations that may have useful resources and information. Some examples are listed below:

  • Beyond Blue is an Australian organisation that offers support to Australians who are dealing with anxiety, stress and depression, but there are many resources on this website that are useful no matter where you are. Many of the resources and links provided are specific to different personal and life situations.
  • Mental Health Foundation is a UK organisation that endeavours to help people understand, protect and sustain their mental health. Visit their page on how to manage and reduce stress.