The stories that you find here of have been kindly shared by some of our Takotsubo Support Group members. If you would like to share your story on the website, please click on the Takotsubo Story Template submission form HERE. The stories will be available to anyone who accesses the website so please only share details that you are happy to be in the public arena and use a pseudonym if you wish.
Life before TTS: Diane was 60 years old when she experienced TTS. She was reasonable fit, working part time and was not experiencing any unusual stress. CT scan for suspected aortic dissection identified renal cell carcinoma.
read moreGwen was 66 years old at the time of her first TTS diagnosis. It happened around three hours after her son's funeral.
read moreJessica was 45 years old at the time she experienced Takotsubo syndrome triggered by a panic attack.
read moreLife prior to TTS Lynda was 58 years old when she experienced her first TTS event during cardio exercise and she had a recurrence on return to work after the first event.
read moreMissy was 73 when she experienced TTS. No particular trigger was identified. Read Missy's story here.
read moreDeet was 68 years old when TTS occurred. She was shopping in a supermarket and confronted three youths who were shoplifting. Read Deet's story here.
read moreHelen was 61 when she experienced TTS while pottering in the garden. Read Helen's story below.
read moreJimmy is a fit 37-year old man who lives in the UK and experienced TTS while scuba diving.
read moreTracee was 59-years old and on a trip to the Atacama Desert when she experienced TTS.
read moreEllen is a 50 year old lady who likely has had two episodes of TTS. Ellen shares her story below.
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Development of this website was supported by a grant from the Rosemary Bryant AO Research Centre, University of South Australia
Copyright © 2019 Takotsubo