Voices of Takotsubo (stories)

The stories that you find here of have been kindly shared by some of our Takotsubo Support Group members.  If you would like to share your story on the website, please click on the Takotsubo Story Template submission form HERE. The stories will be available to anyone who accesses the website so please only share details that you are happy to be in the public arena and use a pseudonym if you wish.

Diane’s story: Climbing Mt. Snowdon

Diane was 52 when she was diagnosed with Takotsubo Syndrome (TTS).

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Trudi’s story: Heat stress

Trudi was 76 years old and living in South Australia at the time she was diagnosed with Takotsubo Syndrome (TTS).

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Laura’s story: Rock climbing

Laura was 51 years old when she was diagnosed with Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) nine years ago.

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Caroline’s story: Fall with facial fractures

Caroline was 70 years old at the time of her Takotsubo Syndrome (TTS) diagnosis.

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Toni’s Story: Grief on the anniversary of a bereavement

Toni was 59 years old and married with four grown children and 9 grandchildren who kept her busy.

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Annette’s story: Public performance anxiety

Annette was a healthy, and generally happy, 57 year who was physically active with healthy eating habits.

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Pam’s story: Traumatic event and recurrent Takotsubo syndrome following a medical illness

Pam was a happy, fit and active 69 year old with a healthy lifestyle.

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Sindy’s Story: Critical event (fear and anxiety for family member)

For most of her life, Sindy has experienced chest pain and breathlessness on exertion.

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Nadia’s Story: Unknown trigger leading to cardiac arrest

Nadia was a healthy and happy 36 year old with 3 children and a loving husband.

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Gail’s story: Workplace bullying

Gail was 58 years old and in a highly stressful job when she developed Takotsubo syndrome (TTS).

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